Pronouns: He/Him
“Nowhere” is a gay Hispanic photographer living in Bellevue, WA. He draws inspiration from music, lights and shadows.
“Yo naci en Nuevo Mexico, tengo 15 anós aqui en Washington. Este ańo yo empece a tomar fotos, mi inspiracion viene de música, luces, oscuridad, 90’s juegos de videos (de terror).”
“I grew up in New Mexico and was raised to speak Spanish. Since moving to Washington in 2007, I haven’t practiced my native tongue very much. However, as I’ve gotten older and I look back regarding my culture and family values, I’m reminded that the Hispanic culture and language is absolutely beautiful. I’ve started listening to more Spanish music as a reminder that the language I was raised on is wonderful and can be very romantic. My culture is beautiful.”
This photo is one of my absolute favorites, inspired by my love for late 90’s horror games and films. The dark atmosphere, single lighting the shadows and darkness beyond the fence. It’s almost nightmarish in tone, “Have I been here before?” “Why am I here?” But more importantly “What lies beyond the fence”?
I’ve always had a fear of what the eyes can’t see in the dark, what lies hidden in the shadows, or the fear of not knowing. I find this photo captures that emotion.
Coming Out
I came out at 14 and what I’ve learned is that sometimes all you can ask for is time. It took my father and I ten years to be at a point where we both mutually just respect each other. We don’t have to talk about a part of my life that he doesn’t understand. I’m not angry or upset anymore. I believe we both have learned to just accept things that are out of our hands. He’s my dad and I’ll always love him.