Dahra Perez (pronouns: she/her) is a Redmond-based artist who is pursuing a career in the animation and film industry. She enjoys working on environment and concept art. See more of her work on Instagram.
Dahra Perez is una artista de Seattle, enfocándose en dibujar el medio ambiente y concept art. Su trabajo explora diferentes paisajes, e incorpora diferentes materiales (plastico, revistas, carton, etc) en su trabajo para añadir realismo a sus piezas.
Coming Out Story
During my last year of middle school I began to question my sexuality, the lack of vocabulary making me unable to find a label that I could identify with. As I transitioned to high school, I was able to find resources that pointed me to this community, and in a short matter of time, I found that there was indeed a word for what I was feeling. Being bisexual was a label I found myself identifying proudly with.
I came out to my mom first, in the middle of a Victoria’s Secret store. It wasn’t how I imagined it would be, but it was real and happening and it was a step towards a journey that I was glad was finally beginning.
A year later, my mom was holding my hand as we sat across from my grandparents, explaining to them that that I was bisexual. It shouldn’t have surprised me when they said all they wanted was for me to be happy, no matter who my partner was. At that moment I felt close to my family, and to my culture.
Being Latinx and LGBTQ+
I am part of the latinx community as well as the lgbt+ community. I thought these two were contradicting; you couldn’t quite fit in one without protesting the other. However, as I surrounded myself with family and friends that embraced all parts of me, I realized that these two identities could go hand in hand.
I maintain myself informed on issues that these communities face, finding new ways to connect and help, as well as taking pride in my accomplishments, knowing that they are representative of my community.